Wild Earth 12, no. 4
animals, fish, conservation, animal protection, consumption, environmentalism, fishing, oceans, seaAbstract
Butler, Tom, ed., Wild Earth 12, no. 4 (Winter 2002/03). Republished by the Environment & Society Portal, Multimedia Library. http://www.environmentandsociety.org/node/6104.
Issue Theme: Freedom of the Seas
This issue includes:
- Launching a Sea Ethic by Carl Safina
- Fishing for a Wild Ocean by Martin Willison
- Distortion of World Fisheries by Capital by Gerald Smith
- Sylvia Earle: Our Oceans, Ourselves interviewed by Brad Meiklejohn
- From Killer Whales to Kelp: Food Web Complexity in Kelp Forest Ecosystems by James Estes
- Restoring Southern California’s Kelp Forests by Chantal E. Collier
- Homeless Fish: Bottom Trawls Bulldoze Seafloor Habitat by Hannah Gillelan
- Undersea by Rachel Carson
- The Deep Underneath: Life in the Darkness of Monterey Canyon by Carol Hunter
- Conserving the Sea Using Lessons from the Land by Bradley Barr and James Lindholm
- EcoFish, Inc. Trolls the Waters of Consumer Conscience by Joshua Brown
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