Wild Earth 8, no. 3
activism, agriculture, conservation, environmentalism, sustainabilityAbstract
Butler, Tom, ed., Wild Earth 8, no. 3 (Fall 1998). Republished by the Environment & Society Portal, Multimedia Library. http://www.environmentandsociety.org/node/6088.
This issue includes:
- Does Conservation Biology Need Natural History? by Reed Noss
- Rewilding and Biodiversity: Complementary Goals for Continental Conservation
by Michael Soulé and Reed Noss - Landscape and Imagination by Scott Russell Sanders
- Romancing the Potato by Paul Shepard
- Can Agriculture and Biodiversity Coexist? by Catherine Badgley
- Conservation and Natural History in the Sky Islands of Oklahoma by Andrew Kroll and Dwight Barry
- Wild Forests are Working Forests by Steve Trombulak
- E. Lucy Braun: Grandmother of Eastern Old-Growth Studies by Chris Bolgiano
The Rachel Carson Center’s Environment & Society Portal makes archival materials openly accessible for purposes of research and education. Views expressed in these materials do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the Rachel Carson Center or its partners.
