Wild Earth 7, no. 1
activism, animals, conservation, animal protection, environmentalism, overpopulation, wildlifeAbstract
Davis, John, ed., Wild Earth 7, no. 1 (Spring 1997). Republished by the Environment & Society Portal, Multimedia Library. http://www.environmentandsociety.org/node/6082.
Issue Theme: Perceiving the Diversity of Life
This issue includes:
- Returning to our Animal Senses by David Abram
- Shedding Stereotypes by Stephanie Kaza
- Re-Storying Biodiversity by Way of Science by Connie Barlow
- Contact and the Solid Earth by Christopher Manes
- From Pearls to Perils—The Imperiled Freshwater Clams by Donald A. Windsor
- Passenger Pigeon Chewing Louse by Peter Friederici
- The American Sycamore by Robert Leverett
- Addressing Population and Immigration Bioregionally by David Wheeler
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