Wild Earth 6, no. 4
conservation, ethics, population increase, wildernessAbstract
Davis, John, ed., Wild Earth 6, no. 4 (Winter 1996/97). Republished by the Environment & Society Portal, Multimedia Library. http://www.environmentandsociety.org/node/5700.
Issue Theme: Opposing Wilderness Deconstruction
This issue includes:
- Nature as Seen from Kitkitdizze Is no “Social Construction” by Gary Snyder
- All Kinds of Wilderness Foes by Dave Foreman
- Wilderness Redux by Donald Waller
- Reinventing Nature? The End of Wilderness? by George Sessions
- Green Confusion by Sarah Vonhof
- Conservation Biologists Challenge Traditional Nature Protection Organizations by Michael McCloskey
- An Annotated Table of Contents of “The Great New Wilderness Debate” by Michael Nelson
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