Wild Earth 1, no. 4
conservation, ecosystems, political ecology, ecology, wildernessAbstract
Foreman, Dave, ed., Wild Earth 1, no. 4 (Winter 1991/92). Republished by the Environment & Society Portal, Multimedia Library. http://www.environmentandsociety.org/node/5673.
Issue Theme: Devastation in the North
This issue includes:
- Whither Wilderness in Canada? by Monte Hummel
- Canadian Wilderness Law: Problems and Prospects by Bronwen Boulton
- Canadian National Parks: Losing Ground by David Orton
- Copper Mine Threatens Wild Northern Rivers by Peter Enticknap and Katya Kirsch
- Canada’s Phantom Population by Connie Harris
- Canada and the Greenhouse Effect: An Interview by Mary Byrd Davis
- The Hidden Costs of Developing Natural Gas Reserves by Dr. Brian L. Horejsi
- Temagami’s Future Still Uncertain
- A View of James Bay From Quebec by Philip Raphals and Thomas Holzinger
- North America’s Biggest Intact Forest Slated for Clearcutting by Mary Byrd Davis
- Canada: Will The Wild Survive? by Trudy Frisk
- Access to the North by Mary Byrd Davis
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