Earth First! Journal 17, no. 3
activism, journalism, conservation, deforestation, environmentalism, grassroot, nonviolent resistance, political ecology, protests, wildernessAbstract
Kintz, Theresa, et al., eds., Earth First! Journal 17, no. 3 (2 February 1997). Republished by the Environment & Society Portal, Multimedia Library.
In this issue of Earth First! Journal Craig Beneville encourages Earth First!ers to find their inner wild in order to make a change for the planet. In addition, “Lock-on Liz” Ingham gives an update on the blockades against destruction of Australian old-growth tree ferns, and How Kuff tells a brief story on the history of the Forest Service.
"Note here that its (sic) wildness, not wilderness that is our salvation. Thoreau defined wild as the past-participle of to will; to be wild is to be self-willed. To be wild is to be autonomous. While I appreciate the contributions that conservation biology has made, I think it has sidetracked the environmental movement in a direction that is ultimately harmful. It’s not that conservation biology is bad, per se, but that it has diverted our attention from the fundamental issues we need to address if we are to heal our relationship to the planet."
— Craig Beneville
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