Earth First! Journal 15, no. 8


  • Darryl Echt


activism, journalism, conservation, deforestation, nonviolent resistance, political ecology, protests, cars, wilderness


Echt, Darryl, et al., eds., Earth First! Journal 15, no. 8 (23 September 1995). Republished by the Environment & Society Portal, Multimedia Library.

In this issue of Earth First! Journal Randy Ghent reports from the protests against MAXXAM/Pacific Lumber (PL) and its proposed logging in the Headwaters Grove, James Barnes discusses the Emergency Salvage Timber Sale Program rider (part of Public Law 104-19), and Michelle Stewart calls for attention to the threat of Hyundai to the Oregon Wetlands.   

"On the California coast, adjacent to Monterey Bay, there is a place that sharks and rays have been coming to for centuries to mate, give birth and feed. It is Elkhorn Slough, a tidal backwater. For nearly half a century hunters and anglers have been coming to this same slough to hunt, fish and kill, and life in the slough is threatened by such traditions. For three years activists have been coming to the slough to witness, protect, protest and call for a change. It’s a good place to come and 'Sab the Bastards!'"

— Michelle Steward

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Earth First! Fist, Volume 15





