Earth First! Journal 15, no. 7


  • Julia Roll


activism, journalism, conservation, deforestation, endangered species, nonviolent resistance, political ecology, wilderness


Roll, Julia, et al., eds., Earth First! Journal 15, no. 7 (1 August 1995). Republished by the Environment & Society Portal, Multimedia Library.

In this issue of Earth First! Journal Karen Pickett reports on the occupation of California Department of Forestry where activists protested to save the old growth. In addition, Twilly Cannon tells the story of the French navy’s attack on the Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior II and the protests that followed, and Michelle Stewart discusses clearcutting in British Columbia.

"Wow! The party hats are on and the crowds go wild … no more clearcutting!
Well, put down your party favors, folks, and take a long deep breath, because when it comes to forestry issues in British Columbia (BC) you must look a gift horse in the mouth. There is a need to divide this scenario into two parts: what will happen and what they say will happen. So, let’s start off slow and work our way through provincial politics in BC."

— Michelle Stewart

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Earth First! Fist, Volume 15





