ALARM no. 12
Hodgins, Anne, and Anne Petermann, eds., ALARM no. 12 (February 1995). Republished by the Environment & Society Portal, Multimedia Library.
This issue of the ALARM is produced by women only. It is dedicated to the struggle to smash down patriarchy and save the planet, expresses solidarity with activists struggling against capitalist-patriarchal devastation as womyn, and "affirms our existence and our power on the front lines of the resistance." Aimee Mostwill discusses pregnancy, abortion, and overpopulation; Judi Bari explains "why I am not a misanthrope."
"We must first think, as womyn, of how we can support and love each other and work together for our liberation from patriarchal cultures. [...] We need to explore our lesbian spirits—she lies within all of us. [...] Love is the best weapon of a revolutionary. We must love and honour each other and love ourselves just as we love the land for which we are struggling."
— Anne Hodgins and Anne Petermann
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